Emotional intellegence

We’ve all heard of IQ – intelligence quotient.  Indeed, you may even be a member of MENSA.  But is that enough alone to be a great leader?  You’ve guessed it – an emphatic NO!

As a Leader, it is a given, that you are technically competent and possess enough IQ for the job.  But the role of a Leader is about ‘leading people’.  It’s about painting a vision; engaging and motivating teams to share in and deliver that vision.

Daniel Goleman coined the phrase Emotional Intelligence in his 1995 titular book.  He explains that Emotional Intelligence is about recognising your own emotions and being able to identify feelings; managing distressing and negative emotions; understanding emotions in other people and finally putting that all together.

The thing is, Leaders are not leading robots, they lead people.  In order for people to perform at their best, they need to feel understood.  Emotional Intelligence is about understanding people and communicating appropriately with them.

To find out more, contact [email protected] for a free consultation.