Leadership – what’s it all about?

Open any dictionary; ask any expert; ask the question 100 times and you will get 100 different answers!

Leadership is something we understand intuitively but how do you define it?


Dictionary definitions include guidance, showing the way; acting first; conducting; inducing.

Vulnerability researcher, Brene Brown (author of Dare to Lead) defines a leader “as anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and who has the courage to develop that potential”.

Emotional Intelligence expert Daniel Golemanidentifies 6 styles of leadership (coercive; authoritative; affiliative; democratic; pace-setting; coaching) each springing from different components of emotional intelligence with flexibility being the key to leadership.

Simon Sinek tells us that Great Leaders “Start with Why”.

What do we think?

At Growth Plans we start with you!

  • What kind of Leader are you?
  • What do you want to achieve?

Once we have flushed this out and tested it, we can identify a path and support you on your journey.  That ‘support’ is very bespoke to you and your requirements and may include one or more of the following:

  • 1:1 coaching – this is dedicated time for you to reflect on your performance; identify limiting behaviours, habits or beliefs; receive challenge & support in the right measure for you and take away developmental tasks to implement.
  • Psychometric (personality) profiling – self-awareness is the starting point for Leaders to understand their strengths and weaknesses and the impact of themselves on others
  • Team coaching – working on team dynamics to help your team achieve more using psychometrics and Systemic Modelling as the catalyst to behavioural change
  • Leadership Boards – a safe environment for you to explore your ideas and challenges, gaining fresh perspectives from other like-minded leaders – effectively your own board of trusted advisers

If you’d like to find out more, then simply email [email protected]