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Success Story

Correla is the leading product development and managed services expert serving the energy market.
Finance Business Partner, Gemma Whitehouse shares her experiences of Leadership Coaching.
“We were going through a seismic change at work which involved setting up a new company called Correla and moving 75% of the workforce and the majority of our operations to that company. I was a key leader in the finance team managing the transaction, dealing with transfer of assets and financial due diligence. A huge cultural change and a completely different way of working was ahead, so we had a lot of change to manage… and all through lockdown!

Because of her background, Liz has a deep understanding of the pressures that are often apparent in the finance profession. She’s also been involved in mergers and acquisitions where companies are bought and sold, so the very situation I was going through.

At the start, we drew up a list of coaching objectives. I wanted to consider ways in which I could manage specific challenging situations. We looked at different tools, skills and techniques that enabled me to unlock greater potential within myself, and in turn others around me, during that process and gave me helpful reference points along the way.

It was also valuable in exploring ways I could enhance my stakeholder gravitas and consider the right approach in different scenarios that would increase my impact and influence. Liz is very measured and very curious. She asks exceptionally good questions that not only draw useful information out of you but helps stimulate your own thinking.

The coaching also enabled me to prepare for the next step in my career. Liz helped me to focus on being more strategic in where I was spending my time and how I could demonstrate progress in my skill set. That was really beneficial – to have the time to stop
and reflect on how I could really take my skillset to the next level.

Leadership coaching is almost like work therapy! It’s so valuable to have somebody who is very skilled in their field – who sits outside of your organisation. Liz plays things back to me objectively where I might not have yet made that connection. I come out of sessions feeling really empowered. There is nothing better than feeling greater clarity and more empowerment about where you sit in your role in an organisation. It’s about unlocking your best self for the organisation and unlocking your best self for you.

Some of the skills that this taught me, I haven’t just used in the workplace, I’ve used in my personal life as well. As far as I am concerned, there’s just no downside to leadership coaching!”

Gemma Whitehouse
Finance Business Partner

"It's about unlocking your best self for the organisation and unlocking your best self for you... As far as I am concerned, there's just no downside to the leadership coaching!"


Manage changing and challenging situations.

Enhance my stakeholder gravitas.

Enhance my personal skills tool-kit.

Prepare for the next step in my career progression.


Setting up a new company during lockdown.

Dramatic cultural and working changes.

Business restructure having a significant change within the company and impact in our industry.


The new company was successfully set up and sold to private equity investors in March 2021.

Greater clarity and empowerment about my role.

A new skill set that benefits me ersonally and professionally.

Contact Liz Whitfield to see if she is right for you and you are right for Growth Plans®

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